Research and Development
The Research and Development (R&D) Department is in charge of developing new microscopes and spectrometers. Whether this involves extending the functionalities of existing models or creating a brand-new platform.
Research and Development
The Research and Development (R&D) Department is in charge of developing new microscopes and spectrometers. Whether this involves extending the functionalities of existing models or creating a brand-new platform, our task is to understand the needs of our customers and propose a technical solution that fits. We work with state-of-the-art technologies and we influence the final form of devices and their commercial success. While developing new products, we not only try to satisfy the requirements of existing customers, we also devise solutions which open the doors to new applications and expand the capacities of electron microscopy and spectroscopy. R&D includes a wide spectrum of positions responsible for the final design of devices – these jobs draw on architecture, physical modelling, testing, mechanical construction, electronics, system engineering, and imaging methods. Within the company, we cooperate with other departments like Engineering, Logistics and Procurement. Furthermore, in Brno, our Technology Center is matched with a Manufacturing Department, where we can watch our ideas becoming reality.
Typical positions:
- Systems Design Engineer
- Physicist
- Electrical Engineer
- Mechanical Engineer
- Scientist – Applications Engineer
- Scientist – Advanced Technology