C#, C++, WPF, Angular, Qt
- User interfaces for real-time microscope control
- Web-based systems and applications for data administration, controlling experiments, visualization, etc.
Windows, Linux
Software is the future of electron microscopy and spectroscopy. It allows for the precision control of complex hardware, for processing images, or for analyzing the structure, composition, or shape of samples.
Our software solutions open up electron microscopy to a much wider range of users. Thanks to advanced automation and machine learning methods, our devices are easier to operate while producing even better results.
Software engineers in this company directly participate in developing state-of-the-art devices worth millions of dollars. They consult the results of their work with physicists, opticians, electronic engineers, and application specialists. They aren’t spending the whole day just encoding. They often have to control devices, which is later put to good use when testing how the code functions in practice.
C#, C++, WPF, Angular, Qt
Windows, Linux
C++, to a lesser extent C#
Windows, to a lesser extent Linux
C#, Python, OpenCV, TensorFlow, Keras
Windows, to a lesser extent Linux
„ At Thermo Fisher we use C++ wherever we want speed, control of memory work, and embedded solutions. In certain modules we also combine several languages in order to attain mutual synergies of the benefits of the applied solutions, or just to interlink with existing technologies.”
Martin Čechmánek,
Manager, Software Engineering
Areas: HW control, optimization, modelling physical processes, firmware
The beauty of C++ derives from its constant evolution as a language, taking inspiration from other languages and simplifying work with the language for faster and more efficient development. At Thermo Fisher we use C++ wherever we want speed, control of memory work, and embedded solutions. In certain modules we also combine several languages in order to attain mutual synergies of the benefits of the applied solutions, or just to interlink with existing technologies. As a result, every developer understands the code in a wide range of SW layers – from firmware (Embedded C), through the backend layer where the main logic of the module runs, to the interface for other clients of the module (both C++). Here, languages better suited for creating the GUI take up the work – the application of technologies is carefully selected according to the requirements. And this is what I like most about my work – to interlink the hardware, brought to life by the firmware, wrapped in business logic and brought to the agreed interface for experts in providing functionality for users via a graphic interface.
Do you want to know more about how we use C++? Get in touch on LinkedIn.
„ The work of a C# developer is somewhat specific in this company. We don’t create any web-based applications or mega databases. Our applications that run on Windows have a window and control elements which turn on the microscope, scan an image, and allow you to zoom.”
Vít Klouček,
Manager, Software Engineering
Areas: User interface, web-based technologies, automation, image processing
The work of a C# developer is somewhat specific in this company. We don’t create any web-based applications or mega databases. Our applications that run on Windows have a window and control elements which turn on the microscope, scan an image, and allow you to zoom. They also monitor the vacuum in the chamber, open the required valves, move the sample or film it. Some of our microscopes can make a hole in the sample using an ion beam or insert a tube right over the sample in order to blow platinum or other gas onto the sample. All done using software. I’ve always enjoyed this direct connection to the hardware. When I fix a bug or make an improvement, I can go to the lab right away and test everything on the microscope, which is just great. For our team, we’re looking for people who have encountered WPF (at least in school), know basic image processing, know what UX is, and can put themselves inside the user’s head. Knowledge of git, Docker, gRPC, and a bunch of other trendy abbreviations will come in handy, but most of all, we welcome people who want to develop high-tech solutions that contribute to the progress of humankind!
Do you want to know more about C# at Thermo Fisher? Get in touch on LinkedIn.
„ Thanks to Python, we can prepare Thermo Fisher microscopes so that users need only concentrate on important issues and don’t have to waste time on repetitive tasks. From the automated setting of lenses to preparing an electron beam for the best possible scanned image.”
Zuzana Ferková,
Software Engineer
Thanks to Python, we can prepare Thermo Fisher microscopes so that users need only concentrate on important issues and don’t have to waste time on repetitive tasks. From the automated setting of lenses to preparing an electron beam for the best possible scanned image, our task is to simplify and accelerate the customer’s work. Demand for automation swells every year, and in our team we have the opportunity to develop and test software for microscopes before they’re available to anyone else in the world. You’ll have a chance to work with Python in a unique way – controlling individual parts of the microscope or creating algorithms that apply the principles of physics. In our team, we also use image processing from microscope cameras, which has a strong basis in Python and which allows us to better understand how well our algorithms perform. The simplicity of the programming language helps us promptly deliver new approaches, prototypes, and rapid-test algorithms. Cooperation with other teams, whether here in Brno or based abroad, is a given.
Want to know more about working at Thermo Fisher Scientific? Not sure whether it’s really your thing? Do you need to fill in some details? Come to one of our Open Hours! During an Open Hour you can visit us and meet colleagues from Software Development. No strings attached. Just call our recruiter and make an appointment. We’ll be glad to meet you!
+420 735 738 949